CW Home Fall 21
Value Packs for all Seasons We Select the Designs, You Save!
3 Roll Value Packs
Three rolls for less than the pric e of two! 305 Holiday 3 Roll Reversible Value Wrap. $16. Tres Rollos de Papel Reversible Económicos para Navidad. 307 Everyday 3 Roll Reversible Value Wrap. $16. Tres Rollos de Papel Reversible Económicos para Todas Ocasiones.
* Designs will vary from featured wrap shown here.
Charleston Wrap ® Essential Pack 426 Charleston Wrap Essential Pack. Contains all the wraps, ribbons, tags, bags, and tissue you’ll need for so many occasions. Over $100 worth of merchandise for only $39. In- cludes 6 assorted rolls of UltraHeavy ™ reversible wrapping paper (over 140 sq. ft. total), 60 ft. of specialty ribbon, hang tags, sheets of tissue paper, and gift bags. Designs and contents will vary. Arrives in its own Charleston Wrap ® box. See website for more details. $39. Charleston Wrap - Paquete escencial Tres Rollos de Papel Reversible Económicos para Todas Ocasiones.
TOP SELLER Over $100 Value!
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* De s i g n s a n d c o n t e n t s w i l l v a r y f r om f e a t u r e d w r a p a b o v e .
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