Yankee Spring 20 Catalog
217 Mango Peach Salsa Medium Classic Jar Candle Vela de tarro clásica mediana Salsa de mango y melocotón — Sweet and zesty…juicy mangoes and peaches livened with citrus, ginger flowers and pink pepper. $25.00
Summertime treats Ripe juicy fruit & tropical temptations — delicious.
200 NEW Fresh Lime & Cilantro Scented Tea Light Candles Velas ‘Tea Light’ aromáticas Lima fresca y cilantro — Garden-fresh companions — sweet juicy limes and leafy cilantro fill the air with fresh-picked fragrance. (Box of 12) $13.00
rub & smell
400 NEW Fresh Lime & Cilantro Medium Classic Jar Candle NUEVA vela de tarro clásica mediana Lima fresca y cilantro Garden-fresh companions — sweet juicy limes and leafy cilantro fill the air with fresh-picked fragrance. $25.00
513 NEW Roseberry Sorbet Medium Classic Jar Candle NUEVA vela de tarro clásica mediana Sorbete de bayas rosadas — Pure refreshment on a sunny day: tangy berry sorbet topped with a sprinkling of candied rose petals. $25.00
136 Bahama Breeze Medium Classic Jar Candle Vela de tarro clásica mediana Brisa de las Bahamas — There’s cool summer refreshment in this tropical blend of pineapple, grapefruit, and mango. $25.00
110 White Strawberry Bellini Medium Classic Jar Candle Vela de tarro clásica mediana con aroma a Bellini de Fresas Blancas — A blissful brunch companion—sweetened by mango and pineapple, swirled with strawberry in a sophisticated libation. $25.00 268 Basketweave Candle Tray Bandeja de vidrio para velas con textura de tejido de esterilla — Clear glass with a basketweave design complements any décor, and protects surfaces. For use with our Classic Jar Candles, sold separatel y. (0.7" X 5.5") $11.00
119 Perfect Wick Trimmer Cortador de pabilo — This essential candle tool makes it easy to keep wicks trimmed to an ideal 1/8" length. Improves candle performance for a cleaner more fragrant burn. Unique design captures snipped wicks. (2.5" x 6") $13.00
rub & smell
216 Juicy Citrus & Sea Salt Medium Classic Jar Candle
NUEVA vela de tarro clásica mediana Cítrico jugoso y sal marina — Orange and grapefruit, wonderfully cool and lush and edged with salt. $25.00
147 Matrix Illuma-Lid ® Jar Topper Tapa para frasco Matrix Illuma-Lid® Chrome Specifically designed to reduce the effects of drafts. For use with our Jar Candles, sold separately. (1.2" x 3.2") $11.00
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